What was Islington Yatra?
Some glimpse of Islington Yatra
To me personally, experiencing college life is nothing without experiencing an adventurous start filled with a core understanding of college and making new friends. Islington Yatra was an escapade filled with curiosity and finding out the purpose of the reasoning which I did. It was an orientation held for the new batch of students to understand the purpose of how each academic year at Islington requires the main three departments to move ahead and how “I want to become a …….” turns into “I am a …….” after graduating from Islington College. I chose “I want to become a marketing and research analyst” and I was glad to know that I am capable of being one. This event taught me about how everything works at Islington and how I can visit the respective departments for my respective problem.

This event took place at different premises of Islington College. The main areas used were the Kumari Block (which is a phenomenal hall for lectures), the basketball court (for basketball and our few outdoor events take place which lies nearby coffee station), and the Brit cafe (one of the loved hanging and eating spots at Islington).

The event was held for newly enrolled students of Information Technology and Business degree at Islington College. Since this event was an orientation, almost all the students of the new batch attended this event. All the participants looked interested and enthusiastic and seemed to have a lot of fun.

Activities done at Islington Yatra
We first registered our name. Then we were briefed about the activity and its directives at Kumari Hall. There were three levels (level 4 - year 1, level 5 - year 2, and level 6 - year 3). Without passing out the previous level you can't move forward. We had to choose the career path that we wanted to be. Three departments were involved in making this event a progressive one, namely Academic facilitators, Student Service, and the RTE (Registration, Time table, and Examination) department.
We started with level 4 which was held at the Basketball court, then level 5 at the Brits zone, and lastly level 6 at the Kumari’s learning zone. The Student Service department provided us with the slip of options we had to match and guided us if we were having problems with anything. The academic facilitators assisted us if we had any confusion with the questions. The RTE department verified whether our answers were correct or not so that we could level up.

Overall, this event was interesting and fun. I got to experience something different. This encouraged me to focus on what plans I have for my future. It also made me realise how important each department is to make academic and extracurricular years fulfilled.

PS: The most interesting part was that after each level we passed, we got free chocolate (level 4), juice (level 5), and cheese popcorn (level 6). Obviously, the legit Kumari Hall cheese popcorn.