Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, as did at Islington with ‘An Islington Christmas 2022’.
This festive event was a heart warmer with a range of activities planned to celebrate the warm and mellow festivity.

Christmas in Islington began with hearty decorations done by the staff and the students of Islington. All the areas of the college premises were decorated beautifully leaving a warm Christmas vibe and ambiance.

The highlight of this event was a card-making activity on the 2nd day where students designed and constructed their personalized cards. It gave an opportunity for them to get creative. The cards were then sold within the college during the later Christmas days and with the profits gained; went toward providing something valuable to society.

Day 3 was filled with curiosity and enthusiasm as the scavenger hunt led to exciting and warm gifts. The riddles were posted on the stories of the different social media platforms. The students were informed prior about this game.

Days 4 and 5 were dedicated to special Christmas Bazaars, with stalls set up in both Brit Cafe and the basketball court. In Christmas Bazar, the 1st-semester students put up a stall for their semester project of the module Understanding and Managing Data. The bazaars provided a chance for attendees to shop for unique Christmas goodies.

The event concluded with a cake-mixing activity on Day 6 at the Brits, giving participants a chance to get into their hands and prepare to celebrate the very festivity.

Overall, "An Islington Christmas 2022" was a fun and festive way to celebrate Christmas, with a variety of activities that allowed attendees to get into the exciting spirit and enjoy.